Do NOT use chatGPT or any other AI when answering these questions, do you understand? *
no answer
Can you legally work in Denmark? *
no answer
Have you read our employee handbook (you can find it on our website under about us) *
no answer
Please send us a screenshot from "the rituals page" in the handbook (If you don't provide this you will not be considered for any roles) *
no answer
Now that you've read our handbook, please share your thoughts on our culture *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2363370] }}
Have you tested Good Tape? *
no answer
Please upload a picture of your transcription in the editor (If you don't provide this you will not be considered for any roles) *
no answer
Please upload a picture of your Good Tape settings page (If you don't provide this you will not be considered for any roles) *
no answer
Now that you tried Good Tape, what do you think about it? How would you make it better? *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2363374] }}
What is something you are really passionate about? *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2363375] }}
What is something that really bugs you? Any pet peeves? *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2363376] }}
Why do you want to join us? *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2363377] }}
You hit the Lotto! Whoooo hooooo... What do you do with the money? *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2363378] }}
Have you remembered to upload a screenshot from your transcription and settings pages as well as the ritual page from the hand book? (If you don't provide this you will not be considered for any roles) *
no answer